Thursday, August 9, 2012

Christmas in August

Just a little followup Ammonia cleaning worked A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-L-Y!!! I never knew about this I can't tell you; but it's amazing. My stove top is almost brand new looking. I think I'm going to do it once more next week to finish it up and make it perfect. Considering this is the first time we did this cleaning in 8 years I can't complain about the little bit that was left over. And honestly it's so minor, but now I'm on a mission. The only downfall? The smell...reminds me of my 80's spiral perms.

Now back on topic....

I'm a planner. I love to plan and I spent the last month or so planning out our Holidays; mostly Christmas. Why? Well, let's face the facts that this holiday season is going to be busy especially since A will be celebrating her 1st birthday in the middle of it all.  So I've made my lists and will begin (hopefully soon) to cross items off. I love makes planning a lot more simple.

What's on my list? I've made a couple. The first is things I want to do with the girls, as a family...traditions and activities. Here is my list:

 1. Make an Advent Calendar like this for the 25 Days of Christmas. Each card will be something to do.
Advent Calendar

Some ideas of what we will do: make cookies, make/mail cards, visit santa, read about the birth of Jesus

2. Random Act of Christmas Kindness (RACK)
You've just been RACKd. such a cute idea
I want to do something with this idea every year with the girls...its important for them to learn about the true spirit of the Holiday and how simple acts of kindness can help out others! I love this idea and you can read more about it on this great blog: tsjphotography

3. Make Christmas Eve and Day outfits for the girls and PJ's for Christmas Eve/Morning. Of course they will have to match!

My other list is my shopping list. I want to find/make/give meaningful gifts to those close to me. Living off 1 income I figure I should start now and make things easier on all of us. Plus the idea of shopping with the girls during the holidays doesn't really put me in the holiday spirit!

I'm not 100% done with the first list, I know I will continue to add to it as I come up or find things. I think by having this going I will be more likely to do these great things with the family. I'll be sure to share pictures and  updates as I begin to tackle my lists. I need to start now...because before you know it the holidays will be here!


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