Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome September

I can't believe it's September. Man, this year is just flying by...well the past few years have done that. It literally feels like I was just announcing that I was pregnant with our first can it be that one is now 2 and our second is almost 9 months old?!

Back on topic. If you've been following my blog (or know me personally) than you know I like to be organized and love to have lists. And while I'm happy to be breaking from Corporate America I do have respect for some of the things I learned during my time. One thing I always did was print off my yearly PMO's, then break them down by month, then post them in my office and cross items off as I completed them. I'm very much a visual person. So I'm going to try and do my own "mommy" version of this each month. I will include Mommy Items, Etsy/Shop items and anything else I deem important.

And this month I am going to share my list with you. I'm not sure if I will always do this but thought by making it public it may also hold me more accountable.

Here's my September To-Do List:

Mommy: (It's first because let's face it, its the most important)

  1. Plan play dates with friends
  2. Visit the big park, pack a picnic, take pictures of the girls
  3. Visit the zoo, another picnic...and feed the giraffe
  4. Ride the trolley (E calls it the train) and go to the dinosaur museum 
  5. Take 9 month pictures of A

Wife: (Close 2nd to being a Mommy)
  1. Plan a date afternoon (lunch together...dinners just seem to hard, maybe we can sneak away during nap time...obviously with a babysitter at home with the girls)
  2. Work on Hubs Christmas gift...its a very time consuming gift, sorry can't share don't want him to know what it is
  1. Follow JustMommies cleaning schedule (I know it's a little OCD but it's detailed and I love it)
  2. Finish the Masterbed Room...hang items and find a duvet cover
  3. Organize girl's room (closets)
  4. Canning those awesome veggies coming in from the garden!!!
Shop (Etsy):
  1. Update with new Marekting (whoo hoo)
  2. Meet with Emily for guidance and some support
  3. Have total 25 items listed
  4. Ship out first custom order
  5. Print business cards
  6. Make outfits for girls, take pictures, post to Etsy
  1. Paint my toes nails...aiming to do this once a month.
  2. Email friend/old coworkers that I haven't spoken with in months
  3. Watch a movie that I want to (no Disney, Pixar, etc)
  4. Clean out my closet
I'm excited for September. I have a big list ahead of me and I may or may not get thru it all. My biggest priority is my girls and hubs. So as long as they are healthy, happy and know I love them I will consider it a very productive month!!!


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