Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Bond Continues to Grow...

Everyday our girls are interacting more and more...and more. I am so amazed the way they play together, and I really do mean play. They race cars together, yes our almost 9 months old is figuring out how to wind up the cars and race them down the hall! 

Then I find them on the floor together chatting...they already seem to have their own language and they go back and forth. Last week I woke up to find them talking to each other from their cribs!

Sometimes A just wants what her big sister has...this can be a toy or her ice cream. Other times E just wants to take care of her little sister. She insists on keeping her safe, especially as A "walks" around the furniture.

I'm so glad that they love each other already. My biggest concern now is that E may "over protect" her. I have to keep a very close eye on her to make sure that she isn't trying to pick her up...or drag her...or feed her food that she isn't ready for yet. But I'll take it, these two light up when they see each other...when A wakes up from naps her big sister comes running and screaming. She always wants to get into the crib with her and give her huge bear hugs. How amazing are these two beauties?!

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