A is doing better. Last night she was up and down...nursing, taking meds, laying with a cold rag. Her fever reached 102 during the night but almost immediately came back down once I gave her some meds. She cuddled and let the rag stay on her forehead until her fever came down...then she wanted to be back in her own bed. All-in-all it wasn't bad at all.
During the day she did great. I was able to keep her fever away with medicine, and it didn't creep up to high when the medicine wore off. To keep her mind off of things I took the girls to visit Ma-Ma at work...which was a beautiful walk for us on this Fall-like day. On our way back home A feel asleep in the stroller so I decided to walk to a nearby park and E played. We then had to run an errand (ugh...a 2 hour drive for a 2 minute pick-up...buts thats a whole other story).
Tonight proves to be a little more difficult. It's almost 9 and she still won't fall asleep, she typically won't stay up past 6:30. She has her meds, ora-gel and she's been sleeping and waking for the past few hours. She didn't nap very well today so part of it is her being over tired. I also broke down and shut our windows and turned the A/C back on. Hopefully she will be finally down in a few minutes.
I really think she is just overly tired, since the moment she sees me or I pick her up she is laughing/giggling/smiling/cooing. Oohh....cross your fingers I think she just feel asleep (literally within a minute of the A/C kinking it).
We had a handful of ideas of things to do this weekend...a local Jazz-Fest, a Elvis & Frank Sinatra tribute, or a date night. Hubs was on me (and the family) to do one of these things (well not date night...that was just for Hubs and I) but I didn't really follow-up or line up a babysitter. I just wasn't feeling like it. Now I think it was more of my "Mom" instinct telling me that the girls would need me at home.
I'm so grateful that I'm home with the girls. That I'm not stressing about work and balancing the girls. My biggest concern was keeping the house somewhat clean and getting the floor scrubbed today (which I've done both). I give working Mom's so much credit, I did it for a while and it was so hard.
Wow...this was a huge rambling session! I guess my sleep last night, or lack thereof is showing.
I hope you guys have a great weekend!
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