Dear Baby Girl,
A, you have turned 8 months old and overnight you have decided to forgo some of your your baby ways. You are sitting on your own and beginning to hold yourself up on your toys. Your personality is shinning thru more and more everyday. You remain our little peanut, still wearing size 3-6 month clothing for mostly everything...I love that you are not in any rush to grow up big. I cherish every minute that I get to snuggle up with you.
I spent the majority of a weekend away from you (and your sister and Dad). I ended up in the hospital with gallbladder attacks. I missed you guys terribly and worried so much. You refused to take a bottle from Ma-Ma or Dad. You are a true Mommy's girl. You still nurse and after this time away I'm confident that you will remain nursing for a while.
You light up the moment that someone makes eye contact with you. Your smiles are amazing and melt my heart every time. I have so much fun with you and your sister.
- Sitting on your own! You did this for the first time the day you turned 8 months old.
- You continue to 'army' crawl and get faster at it everyday.
- Stood at your play table on your own for a few seconds.
- You just began to eats meats.

Favorite Things:
- You gnawed on Daddy's BBQ Ribs this past weekend and loved it. I'm now chopping up meats for you and you enjoy it big time!
- Smiling and cooing at everyone.
- Mom! You love to be held by me and cry the second I leave the room.
Life is so amazing little girl!
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