Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Name is "E" and...

...I L-O-V-E my binkies (aka pacifiers). This girl is just nutty about them and her little sister is starting to follow in her footsteps.

It's kind of funny when I'm out with the girls and E takes out a binky. I see others stare and sometimes give me "that look" know the one..."why is she still using a binky-look". But bottom line is she likes them, they comfort her and both her Pediatrician and Dentist are okay with it. I think most of the looks come from Emily looking much older than she is. It's funny how strangers like to pass judgement.

That's okay, I'm doing what's right for my family and I am confident with that. And besides how else would I get funny pictures like this?! Yes, that's E with 2 binkies at once.

This was from Jazz night, those people in the back are strangers 
(not the ones that pass judgement...these 2 thought E was a hoot!)

I thought we were going to have A binky-free but she just can't help doing what her big sister does so within the last month or so she is a binky baby. She only requires them when she is sleepy but that's how it all began with E so I'm prepared to one day have to wean both of them off of this habit. Oh well, it's all worth it!


1 comment:

  1. To stop, we mailed our pacifiers to other babies that needed them more. He was 3, so no judgement here!!!
