I want my girls to look back and have memories of simple things. Things that we did together that they really enjoyed. Right now E is into animated movies (Pixar and those of that nature), rest assured that I don't plop her in front of a tv all day long...but my car has a DVD player and she loves to watch movies as we run errands. This love of movies has made its way into our home and for the last week or so E and I snuggle up about 45 minutes before her bedtime and watch a movie...or part of one.
I love this new tradition with E. It's my time (or time with Dad and I) with E...A is fast asleep and E can have 100% of our attention. While grocery shopping today I came across Tiny but Mighty Popcorn, it's the make-on-a-stovetop-pot kind and thought this could be something really cool to do with E (who recently fell in love with popcorn too). I was nervous that I would burn it and our place smell of burned popcorn, but it was quick, simple and AMAZING!!!
Here it is in the process....
I had to try and keep it healthy...after all I'm feeding it to my 2 year old right before bed! I used 2 T olive oil and 1/3 cup of the kernels. I also saw that I can use coconut oil, which I am going to do next time I think it would give it an even better flavor.
Within about 2 or 3 minutes it went from the above to the below! E loved watched the corn POP...it was the highlight of my day to see her watch in true amazement.
I didn't deny E of the good stuff I did make sure to add some butter (the real stuff...yum!) and a bit of salt. I'm going to visit our local farmers market this weekend and see if the spice guys have a good seasoning to add as well.
The 1/3 cup of un-popped kernels made 2 of the shown containers...and E and I ate about 2/3 of it!!! I doubt we will continue to eat this much but we did indulge since it was our first night. How did it taste?! Honestly I would take it over movie theater popcorn....and the price online is so much cheaper (about 1/2 what the grocery store charged!).
Seeing that this was such a huge hit with E, I think it is needed to invest in a 'popcorn' bowl. I really see this tradition to be one that sticks!
How fun!!! What a coincidence too, I recently won a similar type of kernel popcorn at our company picnic!!! We tried it last night - yummy!!! But we (we being the hubby) used good 'ol vegetable oil (for the record, I would have reached for the EVOO) and I'm sure there's a better one out there (for health and taste). Let me know what you find!