Saturday, July 28, 2012

Potty Training Week 1 - Complete

Talk about Highs and Lows! This past week has been just that. We are one full week into potty training E. Some days are great others...well lets just say we go thru lots of cleaning supplies and underwear!

All-in-all E seems to really enjoy her big girl undies. It's seems to have unleashed some sort of extra creativity in her. E has always been a girly girl, super into showing off her dresses and shoes. But all of a sudden she accessories, and is trying everything in a million different ways. It's hard to describe but easy to show in pictures.

This is just one of about a few dozen that I haven't taken pictures of. It's just not always possible to capture all of E's quirky-ness on camera.

Right now E is still adjusting to the potty. She goes on every 30 minutes or so and sometimes she goes...other times she wets her pants. Either way she is not afraid of the potty or sitting on it. She even pulls up or puts on new undies, flushes, washes her hands, turns off the light, and closes the bathroom door every time she sits down...100% on her own! So no doubt she 'gets' it. I just need to get my timing better.

Any suggestions?

And I am still using the cloth diapers for A and its awesome, so worth it!


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