Sunday, July 15, 2012

7 Months Old

Our baby turned 7 months old this week and I made sure to take her monthly photos. Before she was born I knew I wanted to do these with those adorable these here even though she is our 2nd daughter I still envisioned her sitting with a cute outfit, a adorable headband and these stickers, just smiling away. I had plans to use the pictures in our calendars and such. But of course that is not how our monthly photo shoots go.

A puts everything in her mouth...even stickers that are applied to her tummy! So as of last month I try to put the sticker near her, but as you see she still gets them. But hey, that's A...and when I look back on these photos a long time from now I will remember this.


  • Smiles the minute you make eye contact, even late in the day right before bedtime
  • Crawling...mostly her own A version which is a lot like an army crawl but she has shown us some 'real' crawling moves too!
  • Chattering, making all kinds of sounds, squeals and laughs (including lots of giggles)
Favorite Things:

  • Food: Mangos and Bananas, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Pears (I make ALL of her food even her milk ;) and I use the Beaba Babycook...I used it for all of E's food when she was small too. It's great...steam/chop/puree all in one quick switch)
  • This's amazing, if you have a little one, I highly recommend it. Even E who is 2 enjoys it. It comes everywhere with us...super soft, has play things included and its huge but still portable. This will no doubt be one of my 'go to gifts' for friends with/expecting kids!
  • Loves to be held, mostly by me...but she is starting to let others hold her more.

Our girls are so different...A is tiny and shy and E is super tall and really outgoing. E was also dying to do everything right then and there...for instance she was sitting on her own at 6 months and holding herself up on furniture at 7 months old...and A is just content being a baby and taking her time (I have no problem with this at all!!) Also, E was wearing 12 month+ clothing at 7 months and A is still in 3-6 months. Just for fun I put their 7 month pics side by side to show you the difference. I love that they are so unique, they surly keep Hubs and I on our toes.

I did just notice that both love to have their mouths opened when they smile!

I'm so excited about this Blog, and have some fun things planned. Hopefully this week I will begin with my 'daily/weekly' items so be sure to check back often!


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