Monday, October 1, 2012

Goodbye September!

I started this month with a long list of To-Do's for me. I knew I wouldn't get thru everything and I was okay with that. I just needed to have them all written for #1 I could get them out of my head...and #2, I like being able to look back, cross off, and see what I accomplished.

So here is my month update:

Mommy: (It's first because let's face it, its the most important)
  1. Plan play dates with friends - Nope, didn't plan one for September...but have one next week. I think that kind of counts!
  2. Visit the big park, pack a picnic, take pictures of the girls  Did it twice! Score!!!
  3. Visit the zoo, another picnic...and feed the giraffe We had a blast too!!
  4. Ride the trolley (E calls it the train) and go to the dinosaur museum  Feeling good, another one complete!
  5. Take 9 month pictures of A Done!
*I feel really good about what I set out and did as a Mommy!!

Wife: (Close 2nd to being a Mommy)
  1. Plan a date afternoon (lunch together...dinners just seem to hard, maybe we can sneak away during nap time...obviously with a babysitter at home with the girls) - Even better we did a quick dinner...only bummer Emily threw up as we were leaving! So it was a quick night...more about that to come!
  2. Work on Hubs Christmas gift...its a very time consuming gift, sorry can't share don't want him to know what it is - Didn't even begin...and I need to!!
* I still feel good about this...getting a night out is a big deal, and we had a few really nice dinners together after the kiddos fell asleep. But we really do need more couple time. We both realize this, and hopefully if Hub's schedule stays more normal we can do this! It was a crazy, tough summer!

  1. Follow JustMommies cleaning schedule (I know it's a little OCD but it's detailed and I love it) - I did it religously for half the month, then I fell ill and the wheels came off. But I'm giving myself half credit.
  2. Finish the Masterbed Room...hang items and find a duvet cover - Haha...the room is exactly the smae, oh well there is next month!
  3. Organize girl's room (closets) - Done!! Just need to bring the too small clothing to storage,
  4. Canning those awesome veggies coming in from the garden!!! - Done, still have more to do in October!
Shop (Etsy):
  1. Update with new Marekting (whoo hoo) - Done!
  2. Meet with Emily for guidance and some support - Well, kind of thru email and a birthday party.
  3. Have total 25 items listed - Almost, ended with 20 but will be at 23 or 24 by the end of the day today, so that's good enough for me.
  4. Ship out first custom order - Done
  5. Print business cards - Done, arriving Wednesday!
  6. Make outfits for girls, take pictures, post to Etsy - Done, twice!
  1. Paint my toes nails...aiming to do this once a month. - Done
  2. Email friend/old coworkers that I haven't spoken with in months
  3. Watch a movie that I want to (no Disney, Pixar, etc)
  4. Clean out my closet - Done
Wow, that was a busy and productive month! I'm going to do this again for October. No one probably care but me...but that's okay.


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