So here is my month update:
Mommy: (It's first because let's face it, its the most important)
- Plan play dates with friends - Nope, didn't plan one for September...but have one next week. I think that kind of counts!
Visit the big park, pack a picnic, take pictures of the girlsDid it twice! Score!!!Visit the zoo, another picnic...and feed the giraffeWe had a blast too!!Ride the trolley (E calls it the train) and go to the dinosaur museumFeeling good, another one complete!Take 9 month pictures of ADone!
Wife: (Close 2nd to being a Mommy)
Plan a date afternoon (lunch together...dinners just seem to hard, maybe we can sneak away during nap time...obviously with a babysitter at home with the girls) -Even better we did a quick dinner...only bummer Emily threw up as we were leaving! So it was a quick night...more about that to come!- Work on Hubs Christmas gift...its a very time consuming gift, sorry can't share don't want him to know what it is - Didn't even begin...and I need to!!
Follow JustMommiescleaning schedule (I know it's a little OCD but it's detailed and I love it) - I did it religously for half the month, then I fell ill and the wheels came off. But I'm giving myself half credit.- Finish the Masterbed Room...hang items and find a duvet cover - Haha...the room is exactly the smae, oh well there is next month!
Organize girl's room (closets)- Done!! Just need to bring the too small clothing to storage,Canning those awesome veggies coming in from the garden!!!- Done, still have more to do in October!
Shop (Etsy):
Update with new Marekting (whoo hoo)- Done!Meet with Emily for guidance and some support -Well, kind of thru email and a birthday party.Have total 25 items listed- Almost, ended with 20 but will be at 23 or 24 by the end of the day today, so that's good enough for me.Ship out first custom order- DonePrint business cards- Done, arriving Wednesday!Make outfits for girls, take pictures, post to Etsy- Done, twice!
Paint my toes nails...aiming to do this once a month. - Done- Email friend/old coworkers that I haven't spoken with in months
- Watch a movie that I want to (no Disney, Pixar, etc)
Clean out my closet- Done
Wow, that was a busy and productive month! I'm going to do this again for October. No one probably care but me...but that's okay.
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