It's DONE!! Yes...that custom order that I talked about a couple of weeks ago is finally done. What was the hold up?! Well the specially chosen fabric had a flaw in it...and I could work around it so I had to have the shop send me a replacement piece. So the fabric arrived last night and I spent the evening completing the order.
The only bummer is...I LOVE it. I love the colors and patterns so much that I'm jealous that some other little cutie will be wearing it instead of my own. But I'm coming to terms with it all. :) Even the Hubs said that our little A needs to have one!
My photos need much improvement but I'm trying.
The above was off my phone...not sure why is so blurred.
Below is the cutest diaper cover ever!! I adore how it turned out. I can just imagine how cute this set will be for the family pictures.

Other news about my Etsy Marketing is still under construction. I realized that I didn't really know what I wanted. So the designer is being amazing and we really hashed it all out and I should have something to share next week!
Well I'm off to work on my next custom order.
LOVE it!!!!